Hello my followers I'm Seyit Baha Kılıçkap and today we are going to talk about the Edge Triggers,
So lets start in what is the edge triggering ?
It's dedects the 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 transforms of the logical signals, So what does it means as you can see the figure at the under of this title, at the red spots you can see a transformation of the logical signal and the edge triggers respond. So at the positive edge trigger when the Input signal goings 0 to 1 the output of the positive edge trigger is 1 only for a moment and it goes to 0 again, for the negative edge triggering It's reversed, as you can see when the signal drops 1 to 0 the output signal goings to 1 for only moment and It goes to zero again.
How that works in TIA Portal ?
Firstly lets make a case for usage of this, When the start button pushed, It's going to start motor 1 and when it released It's going to start motor2, and when you push the stop button It's all going to be stop.
At the top figure, we make a basic seal circuit with set output if you want to learn more about it you can
click here. As you can see at Network 1 we use a postive edge trigger in a normally open contact so that means when you push at the I0.0 which is the Start Button It's going to be a Set the Q0.0 (a.k.a. Motor 1) output to 1 , at Network 2 we use a negative edge trigger so that means when we push the button and when we release It's going to be set the Q0.1 (a.k.a. Motor 2) output to 1 t, so when we set the both values. Then we need to add to stop button for reset the outputs at this moment we can make a basic reset circuit can be seen at the figure at the under of this topic.
But how can the I0.0 can hold this bool informations with 1 Input? well actually It's not, you must add a Memory bool for the edge trigger , I use M10.0 and M10.1 , because at the number 10 there is not going to be confused by other values...
After this note we can come back for the case , At the moment we need to add to stop button for reset the outputs at this moment we can make a basic reset circuit can be seen at the figure at the under of this topic.
So with this network, when stop button pushed It's going to be reset the Motor 1 and Motor 2...
That's all for this subject , if you need any question about this you can find me at this
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