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On Delay Timer and Off Delay Timer with TIA PORTAL

 Hello my readers I'm Seyit Baha Kılıçkap and today I'm going to show you how to use On Delay and Off Delay Timer with TIA PORTAL. (figure shows the real looks like On-Delay Timer) So first things first what is the On Delay Timer and Off Delay Timer ? As you can see the figures under here, It's delayer for the circuits let's look closer, For On-Delay Timer (a.k.a. TON) when Input comes at the timer there is a delay time for the output then output bool going to be 1 , for the Off-Delay timer (a.k.a. TOF) when Input comes It's going to give Output 1 and then if you stop the input It's still give Output 1 signal for a delay time  That's the information of the 2 common Timers so lets go for the TIA Portal side, lets make a case about it, There will be a  seal network and if the signal comes to timer the timer delays the signal for 4seconds and 3MiliSeconds then start the motor and motor lamb. So as you can see at the top figure , at network 1 there is a basic se...

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